Dating website lawsuit
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Dating > Dating website lawsuit
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We are not going to give up that easy. Please let me know if anyone has information on how to join this suit.
The company is fraudulent and needs to be stopped. Just wait, of course, because you never know when the right person will come along. A cynical operation for sure, where the jesus I joined, in a major metropolitan area, simply shut down and now has its calls transferred to a sister office in a city more than five-hundred miles away. You let them in for free you have nothing but problems. But…the lack dating website lawsuit responses that many people are angry about also piece from problems that are the fault of the users on this site, and not necessarily the fault of Match. GE is exactly what it is. Oh, look, I'm laughing at you. When I went to the street address she emailed me, it was Great Expectations.
Original review: June 18, 2018 I joined because... Fake personas But dating site scams aren't always based on finances. Online dating or Internet dating is a system that enables people to find and introduce themselves to new personal connections over the , usually with the goal of developing personal, romantic, or sexual relationships.
Woman sues for $10m after man she met on the site tried to kill her with a butcher knife and stomped on her head when she dumped him after eight days - I did not get my money back How do I get in on this class action suit? And an increasing amount of people turn to online dating websites for help in finding their perfect match.
Online dating has obviously been quite popular for some time now, but it appears that one company may have overstepped its legal bounds -- though, it's unclear why those legal bounds are there in the first place. The company, Great Expectations, apparently set expectations a little too high. The company plans to appeal, but the really odd part of the story is just how much the service cost. Whether or not you agree with the law and it's not at all clear why such a law is needed , it still seems like these women entered into an arrangement where they knew what they were getting into. In what world can their be a guarantee that you'll meet someone if there simply are no matches and no one wants to meet you back? If the company promised meetings, that's one thing and one the woman in the four year program says she was promised dates, so perhaps there's a claim there , but it seems unrealistic to simply expect dates when there's the entire other half o the equation to consider. While the fees being paid and the idea of signing up for a four year membership that promises marriage seems somewhat staggering, especially considering the competition, it just seems like these women made a bad decision in signing up for this service. I would rather be a fat ugly sweathog with a heart and some empathy for people, than someone like you who must think that the outside means everything!! Good looks and good bodies definately go away as you age, don't know what planet you're living on it's inevitable. I hope you find that person of your dreams because of what they look like, and that never changes.... It's a person like you that I dread to meet on on-line dating... The women were ripped off because it's a scam. I myself am an attractive, educated professional woman who paid thousands for men that didn't exist because they showed me fake photos etc. I went on ONE date. They submitted my profile with typos even though I did not include typos... I am a freaking teacher. They lied and promised marriage, saying they were Christian etc. Then they closed shop and there went my money with them. I hope karma pays all of those liars and scammers a visit. That's why the law is needed, to prevent exploitation of the cinderella myth. If Great Expectations had paid me a couple of hundred, I'd have serviced these ladies, and GE would've kept a tidy, secure profit. It might have even been GE. Anyway, she said the clientele tended toward a couple of architypes. The guys were nerdy engineers and lawyers who had busted ass for 10-15 years to have a decent salary and were now looking for a young hottie to validate their professional success, but were too socially awkward to approach women on their own. The problem with that was, hot young chicks don't need to pay a dating service, they already have more attention than they can handle. The female profile tended toward professional women who had achieved managerial success to the point where they had priced themselves out of the mkt. They all wanted to marry guys who were more successful than they were, but the guys who were that driven and successful were picking up their potential trophy wives without 3rd party help. She said very few clients ever got what they joined for because objectively, nobody had very realistic expectations of their actual mkt value. A lot of the times nobody even got past the video viewing stage. I am currently fighting legally for a refund for services not yet rendered which they owe me under state law and refuse to honor. Their sales pitch is riddled with lies and inaccuracies, they take your financial and govt. It is business fraud plain and simple, and I am prepared to argue in court that they are in violation of a number of clauses in the deceptive and unfair business practices of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act. Why don't you have a look at to read from hundreds of other victims of this scam what they do. GE has been successfully sued in NY, Kansas, policed by the Federal Trade Comm. I only wish I'd found out sooner. They have signed off on this point, and additinally, have agreed to allow my counsel to review the contract prior to signing up. The answer then becomes yes, to get out a couple times a month, with singles, it would be worth it. So, as long as they stipulate in the contract what I want to see, then I think it is good to go. I would NEVER pay the 5000. I'll let you know how it turns out.. I just signed up and have until Friday night at midnight to ask for my money back, under the 72-hr rule. I haven't found good feedback so far! I'm an attractive 54-yr old male with a great personality according to male and female friends, who are encouraging me NOT to do this! I found my true love through GE and I know that we would have NEVER met without them. I found the staff to be extremely helpful and kind. I am a 45 year old, attractive brunette and am so grateful to GE. I had almost given up on finding an intelligent, articulate, funny, kind man. I would recommend it to anyone. It did take some time and all of my dates were not wonderful, but at least I had a pretty good idea of what to expect by seeing the photos and videos first before meeting them. I also attended several events and met some of my now dear friends. It was really a win for me across the board. In my mind I was thinking, I can buy a car for this amount. Of course, I said no. Never had a video made, never had access to the site and have been barred from their site. The state they do business in has no 3 day right of recision. But there is hope there are cases on the web where they have been sued successfully and a full refund was given. I hope you got out while you could. I am going to go down fighting but I am prepared to lose. I found some info. Arizona Revised Statutes covers dating services contracts. From the information I have read via online complaints and what I experienced when I had my appointment, the contract you signed may be voidable under Arizona law. ARS Sections: 44-7151, 44-7152, 44-7153, and 44-7154 are the statutes to look at. If you don't know how to view the text of these statutes, let me know. I would definitely file a complaint with the AG and the BBB. Lifetime membership with no monthly dues. Lots of promises but not all of it was put into writing. I was told that the employees work on salary and do not work for commission. Finding out this may also be false. I wish I would have done my homework first. This is far more expensive than the rest of what you are paying... Looks like it is time for me to cancel... I am glad I found this web page... I had no idea about any of this that I am reading... They claim to have thousands of members... I have no idea... Thanks for the info... I am still within my 72 hours to cancel... First of all, the employees DO make commission, and a lot of it. It is quite understandable considering employees are stripped of all morals... There is not just one flat fee. The background check is really a credit check to see how much they can get you for. Most don't use the service and even more don't find love. But for those of you looking to get a refund, I do know it is very difficult to do so. There are so many legal loopholes that GE has discovered over the last 30 years, it makes it virtually impossible to break your contract and get any type of a refund. To those of you who have had bad experiences, I truly am sorry. I know I had a very bad experience with them, and they were paying me! I can only imagine how hard it must be! Keep your head up, and move on with your life. You cannot be happy dwelling on the past. And if you signed up for a dating service, obviously you are single and available, so it will take some time, but love and happiness will find you! I left a job to work for these people. I was a store manager for two years. I was working for GE for 30 days and was let go. I was making my sales and getting along with everybody but just brought into the office and told that there was company cuts. Isnt there usually a hiring freeze???? I have a special needs child, Christmas is coming and now have no insurance. I feel so stranded. They made me alot of promises. They gave me no notice to find a job or even a heads up and I turned down at least five jobs... DO NOT let yourself be suckered into this service! This is a big CON game! You will be charged anywhere from 3 to 6 thousand bucks for merely nothing. The 'realtionship therapists' ha ha make a whopping commision off of your desire to meet someone. The 3 to 6 grand is only the price of signing up. Tack on another 2 to 5 hundred bucks for your photos no you can not supply your own and cheesy 3-7 minute video. Don't forget to fork over another 20 dollars a month for online service unless you want to haul your tukas to their library during business hours only for computer use. The monthly events, when they bother to organize them are an additional fee depending on what the activity is and the turnouts are more often than not~ poor. That so called 'background check' consent form they have you sign when you walk in the door to make you feel 'safe', is nothing more than a credit check to see if you even have the funds to be there in the first place. The final straw at this company, was when they encouraged me to sell a premier membership to an elderly gentleman with terminal cancer. I can't believe this place is even still in business. Try one of the less expensive on line services. I hope they shut this place down soon. It is a company that preys on the lonliness of people and most often at the location I was at, elderly people at that. Rotten to the core! Let me lay down the situation. I have never tried GE but I do know people that both work there and are members and I have witnessed more than 3 engagements in the last year through GE. Also if you are going into the service thinking that you a 55 year old men deserve a 27 year old female. Seriously, think long and hard about it. If you are dumb enough to get ripped off then that is your fault. Besides why does everyone always look at the glass half empty and not ever half full. If you are actually on a dating site looking for love through a computer screen... Get off your home office chair and take a walk. Try hmmm the park? GE is exactly what it is. A service that puts you in contact with other people who have paid to be in contact with you. If you cant find a date maybe you should re evaluate yourself and your approach. Are your pics bad are you too picky referring back to self worth does your shirt in your profile make you look like a hobo????? Consider lonely for life an option not Great expectations!!! Maybe you should try a lifestyle counselor ala starting over or and image consultant at your local Macy's. Don't put out trash and expect to receive gold in return , trash attracts flies kids. If you do decide to try a service start with a success rate did u know marriages result every single day through GE???? Did you also know they are all under a 5% divorce rate?? Pricey as they can be the do produce results, just keep in mind what you are bringing to the table. If you know youre socially inept, not pleasing to the eye, with bad breath and no sense of fashion what so ever maybe you should scratch that mom says I can do anything mentality and hop on the closest transit or in your shiny new benz whatever and visit the land of reality check. You should know better than to give whipped advice. You are too stupid to understand people are humans. Like you posting your stupid shit right above this comment. I understand, it was Human Error and you didn't mean it. Well, GE doesn't understand humans make errors. They understand that when you sign your name, that money is already spent via commission and salary. You are an IGNORANT CUNT and you need to get scammed too to understand the error of your ways, bitch. It doesn't work that way. Many people who aren't any serious relationships have eithered spent the last years working on a career or trying make a series of bad relationships better. In either case they definitely have not learned the proper skills to make great relationships. Then no matter what dating service they join they think they can continue to either be anti-social and work on their career OR continue to pick people that are wrong for them by looks or habits but since they are in a service then everything will change. Then they blame whatever the service it is from match. They never once consider the advice given them by the dating service. Phil and Great Expectations has staff but they won't listen. So when they continue having bad results it's always someone else's fault. My friend gives her first date a list of all the things they must do on the first date. But the service she meets these guys from just has a bunch of lame men and she is going to cancel at the first chance she can get. I've told her that she can't do this but she told me that they have to know up front that she won't take any mess. She scares them off and then wonders why all men are all the same and never call her for a second date. You guys no I'm telling the truth because you all have that friend just like I am describing. You can clearly see what they are doing wrong and they won't even listen to you. They are stupid fucks and so are you. Ever heard of blood money, bitch? This is Tear money. So, if you don't understand this... I'm still in my 72 hour grace period though. Having previously been in sales, I was familiar with all the mind games salesmen play, yet in my trusting nature i bit anyway. I know he was lying upon telling me this. I have to say, they have very good training for their sales staff. I'm now stuck in a delima. I would like to use their service because I do believe quality individuals can be found there but I don't enjoy feeling like I was sold something, no one does. Buyers remorse I suppose. It doesn't seem like a scam, just a little shady. Anyone know of any ACTUAL success statistcs regarding their services? So, do I spend the 4200 and see if they offer what they say or save my money for a much needed vacation? I've worked for GE and know that the only people who don't have success, have that problem because they are not realistic. If you are a 55 year old man, don't pick only 25 year olds and expect to have 10 dates lined up. With thousands of members, if you can't meet someone through GE, ever think maybe YOU are the problem? I met my husband through GE. My aunt met her husband through GE, and I know hundreds of others with the same story. People who come to GE, complain, and want a refund just realize that they are still in the real world, and no matter who you are, it's not easy to meet someone great. At least with joining GE, you have a better chance. It's a numbers game. Regular internet dating has almost 50% of it's clients as married people, while GE actually screens. After working here, I realize why most people are single. So change your attitude and be positive and you might just meet someone. At the end of two hours you're forced to make a decision amounting to several thousand dollars with no trial period or chance of a refund. They play to your weaknesses, and flatter you as well. But you must join now, so you do. I am going to try to negotiate a settlement with GE, as I haven't been in for very long, but I'm expecting it to be difficult. They appear to be sharks. It's been my most expensive lesson yet in the school of hard knocks, though hardly something you'd think an organization would be proud of. I guess the consolation is that we receive an invaluable lesson in the school of hard knocks. In the short time you were at GE did you hear of any customers attempting to get their money back? However, the original company was sold and new owners after new owners finally settled on individual franchises. All franchises have a link to a database that is so out of date that some who appear on it joined 30 years ago. OF COURSE this is a scam, three-State Attorneys General are currently suing the company and local franchises. The number of complaints is in the thousands and more states will follow. For those who could qualify there are legitimate services of this type out there run by very reputable people and have top clients including celebrities, royalty, captains of industry and the idle rich and they pay outrageous sums to be properly united with persons of the type and character they look for. I quit a job of two years as a store manager. I wanted to help people find happiness... They offfered me a job and I decided to go for it. I asked for a full refund the following day-less than 24 hours later. I filled a dispute with my credit card company the following day, filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau 2 days later and had an appointment with an attorney within a week. My attorney sent a Demand For Refund letter to the main office in Houston with a response from them that the contract is non-refundable under any circumstance and stated if I pursue with small claims they would not only win but would counter sue for their attorney costs. My credit card would not dispute the charge because of the non-refundable contract. Please email me back as to your story and if you are getting any resolve! I saw a street sign for dallassingles. When I got home I went to the website. There was no informaion about dallassingles. A girl started calling and leaving voice mails from dallas singles. After two weeks and six unanswered calls I picked up. The girl told me about dallas singles, and then asked me to come in for an interview and a background check. There was never any mention of it being Great Expectations. When I went to the street address she emailed me, it was Great Expectations. Then they hit me with the high sales pressure of sign up now or you'll never be anybody. I've seen the same signs in a lot of cities, but never thought this was GE. I'll have to begin checking these out further. As for a refund, you've got the next-day cancellation in your favor, but you may need to speak to a lawyer. A beautiful young girl with a boob job conned me into GE and I don't even like boob jobs! This is not to say I wasn't responsible, because I knew all along what I was doing. Rather, it's just an indication of how far you'll go when you're lonely and somewhat desperate. I'm still going to try to do something, but this has been such a bad investment that it's laughable. It's only money, I keep on telling myself. I wasn't looking for a dating service. What I was looking for was organized parties where everyone was single. They got me for a lot more than you so it hurts more. I would think that checking on someones available credit without permission would fall under some sort of invasion of privacy law. I have a friend who was a former civil judge in my city. He's now an attorney again. That could surpass what I was conned on just gathering the facts, digging up the dirt and building the case. I meant it to apply both generically and, most of all, to myself. It didn't occur to me that you could pay out even more than I did, but I guess with this organization the sky's the limit. I will predict one thing: all things must pass, and so too will GE. It is just such a blatant case of exploitation that I cannot see this going on more than a few years longer, especially with the power of the internet spreading word of peoples' experiences. Oprah, dateline, Forbes and others have promoted them. I'm sure none of these supporters knows the truth of their business practices though. That explains the different dollar amounts everyone was coned for. It's 70 degrees in January in the Washington DC area, Im doing housework so I come in shorts and a t-shirt. I'm not ugly, I look okay without makeup. I asked the question, then I was made to feel less than whole because of the way I came in. I gave up dating people that would make me feel less of myself 20 years ago, why would I fork over 5K to have someone tell me the same crap? What a set up and what a bunch of lies. There was a man there, very tall, nice looking. Probably on the inactive list. I will not keep my saturday appointment for 11 am. I will post my impressions wherever I can, and I am glad it cost me only my a ding on my credit report which was incidentally hit while I was in the office or shortly thereafter. I did not sign up as I would not give them a full credit card payment up front. Otherwise it was 20% interest with their finance company. What a crock of crap. Thanks for adding to the feeling I had that this is just may be a complete sham. Zero in common and IJL can pound sand too. I am looking into the class action suit info online about them. Wrote a check - signed the contract and went home. I'm sure that they'll try to enforce the contract, send it to a collection agency, etc... GE is nothing if not practical, and will not throw dollars away in a quest they know is futile. My guess is they'll call and try to coax you back, possibly even try to intimidate you with the charge that you signed a contract, but as you intimate, their bark will be worse than their bite. I've been a GE member for too long to have any hope of getting my money back, so I'll just offer my perspective on the experience. I've gone out on several dates and the women have been pleasant, but as yet, no sparks have flown. I've had a fair number of women contact me, but thus far only one who has aroused my interest. In its favor I would say that after paying all this money, GE members generally try harder. Some would say if you ultimately connect with that one person it's all worth the money, and yes, it would be, but the issue is that GE is an incredibly overpriced service. If all ends well, the money becomes an afterthought, but in what percentage of cases does that actually happen? For the money they charge you would think they'd have to GUARANTEE a marriage!!! So, my money is gone, but might as well make the best of it. From my experience thus far I don't see any special advantage to GE over a Match. GE offers a selectivity, but it pretty much amounts to selectivity based on income. The Dallas TX franchise is a total fraud. You won't see or find them. The closest search their web service has to Dallas is a 100 miles. The large majority of these men aren't availabe and probably don't exist at all. Their contract is evidently written to prevent any refund pro-rated or not. You can't view any candidates until you have your photo session. Don't make the same mistake I did. If you do, don't expect any help from these scam artist via the BBB in trying to get a refund. I was already a bit on edge from having them call me fairly often. I skipped our first meeting. I just got called again today and they pushed me to get an interview in tommorrow. Hey, im pretty easily flattered, but i didnt say anything relatively amusing so i was a bit taken back by that strange response. I met my husband through GE last year. I was meeting a lot of men that seemed to be playing around before this service. I had a lot of wonderful dates with men that actually wanted a relationship, which was pretty foreign to me. My last first date was with the man I just married last week. To me the 5k I spent has been completely worth it. This people are professional scam artists who will try to take you for thousands. They prey on the lonely, vulnerable people who have had bad dating experiences and are searching for a mate. This prevents you from conducting research on their company to see what they are made of. After long enough everyone can find someone. I asked how they know they about this value and the representative said that the ones that they are divorced come back to be members. There is 95 complaints on this website for Great Expectations. They will give you time to think about their service and tell you to call them and let them know whether or not you decide to go with their service. They will not disclose that you have to send them a certified letter canceling the service or appear in person with a letter to cancel the service. After putting down a deposit on their service, Great Expectations with then attempt to get you to sign a credit card receipt for the remaining money. They appeal to you by saying that if you sign the receipt now, that they will save you a trip to their office if you decide to go with the service. DO NOT sign the receipt. Signing the receipt means you agree to pay them the money regardless of whether or not you decide to become a member of their service. Think before you sign up or even meet with this service, or you could soon find yourself parting with thousands of dollars. Here's another one of them that thinks they know it all. Goddamn it, cunt, why don't you come down from your fat fluffy cloud and get a real life. Not everyone in the whole fucking world are optimists, okay. Some people find optimism annoying and intrusive and it just annoys people to the point of being pissed off. Besides optimism, when you pay for something you don't get, you want something, no matter what it is, in return, duh! I hope it does make you laugh... I have a fucking Goddamned given right to be pissed off with these mother fuckers. I hope when you go home at night and feed your kids you think about what you are laughing at... You've probably been wronged so many times you just got bitter and find it funny when others are doing the suffering and not you. Ok so the service didn't work for you. This service works for some people and not for others. That's the way everything in the world goes. Do you get mad and bitch like this at your gym because in the three years that you have a Membership there you didn't get any less fat. I don't see you crying that you have to pay a gym money and still work at your goal. The same applies at GE. You have to still work at getting a date. The difference there is that there is a staff to help you, the pictures are taken by an in house photographer and there are monthly member events so that you can meet many other members at one time. From what I have researched on the Web Great Expectations does have some people complaining about Membership costs and some people have met the love of their lives through the service. But when I have reserched online dating sites such as match. So maybe you all should realize that you are paying that extra money for things such as the staff meeting and getting to know all the members, knowing that the photos are accurate and knowing that the members are not married. I think all that is worth the money. You people frustrate the hell out of me and I hope that all of you stay single or hook up with one another because I would hate for a decent person to have the unfortonate experience of being in a relationship with people who bitches and complains about anything as much as you all do. GE makes extravagant claims and, accordingly, charges a rather extravagant price. Their sales techniques, as many have noted here, are hard-sell to the hilt. And just what do you suppose ARE the success percentages? That is mostly my fault, but let's not give GE a pass on it either, as they were the ones consciously throwing around the bull. Finally, what do you call a business that won't give a refund on cancellations within three days or in some cases even less! It basically amounts to an exploitative way of doing business. You are right, however, that once a member one might as well try to make the best of it, and that does require some work. I understand that you feel as though you lost a lot of money. You say that the sales person handed you a lot of bull but you took it. Besides what makes it all bull? It's you building it up in your head because you fill disappointed, but why? Because you haven't found someone to love quite yet? Ok and this whole I was lonely and weak when I was sold my membership, ok so you were going through a low point but let me remind you. You entered a profile on the internet, you took the call from their representative, talked with their representative, set an appointment, drove yourself to the center, got out of your own car and walked yourself into the center, had an interview with whomever and then decided it was for you. That is a lot of stuff YOU had to do. It's not like the GE representative forced you into anything. It was your decision to make and you made it. Now make the best out of it. You never know maybe if open your mind, let down your wall of bitterness and go for it, you will have luck! From what I understand, they have been around for over 30 years, so they must be doing something right?! Once you've found someone you are attracted to and have enough in common with. Obviously, for many that attempted to use the service and didn't meet anyone isn't from a lack of trying. Don't you dare try to make these people feel worse than they already do. I'm already getting ghetto on your ass for being such a stuck up love-theif. It's not that they didn't try, but, it's that GE sucks ass. Didn't you read the one about the employees who sit around and laugh all day and practice flirting. Does that sound like work to you? They are handing out lessons on relationship techniques or dining etiquette for fat men, they are sitting around spending dough and livin' it up while others suffer and hope. They feed on the ocean scum while their customers dream of the fishes. And if you don't get that metaphor, bitch, or similie, bitch, then you are a fucked up cunt bitch motherfucker who needs to shut the fuck up. Quit playing frogger with people's emotions and go home, in your head. You need to go on a diet. Gyms don't have scams and complaints like this, bimbo. And, your written sarcasm sucks. And, bitch, I was lied to about what I signed. I didn't want their service at all... If I had enough money I would sue the motherfuckers for puttnig me through so much agony. My dollar is not in noway shape or form going to support thier lifestyle, feed thier mouths, or flush their toilets. Got it, bitch, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. You are a stupid fuck for not understanding that you are laughing at people's suffering and pain and wasted time and energy because these people don't know how to make an honest living. They want something for nothing. Besides the murderers bit, you have to know that I never intended to use a dating service, was lied to about the paper I was signing, and you know what kind of response I got? That bitch on the phone is still ringing in my ear. So, fuckyou, fuck your stupid, blah blahs, I'll get a fucking date if I really wanted to. You need to go fuck yourself... Goddamn it, you are so fucking stupid. Don't order people to get over it. You get over yourself. Shut the fuck up, bitch. Relationships involve feeling, understanding, compassion. None of which you have. You are probably one of those sorry mother-fuckers that marry for money, only to find out thier husbands leave them when they are 20 lbs heavier and full of wrinkles. Don't know a thing about life. Don't know a thing about people. ONly want money, and now fame. Oh, look, I'm laughing at you. How does it feel, you stupid fuck? Well, reluctantly, I went in for an appointment this past Saturday. I have never been so pressured in my life. Two and a half hours of pure torture. I thought used car salesmen were bad... I consider myself an intelligent person... I kept telling her that I just didn't feel right. I about freaked when she told me the price. She kept leaving the room and coming back with better deals and I kept saying no. She actually told me that within 6 months I would probably be dating this rich guy and he would just pay off my debt. She said that she talked to most of the guys that were signed up and they all said they wouldn't have a problem paying off a woman's debt. I was so disgusted she would say that. What does she tell the men? I'm thinkin' what the heck happened?!?!? She kept saying that I would feel better the next day because I was making such a great decision to start my life and that I was doing something so wonderful for myself. Thankfully, both contracts have a 3-day rescission period. I'm hand-delivering my letter today with the materials they gave me. I'll let you know how it goes. I just thought is there another way? I am willing to give any information that you need... I really thought this was a way to help people... I learned very quickly what this business truly was all about... These people really screwed me over. I feel badly for everybody I signed up and I feel bad for everybody who has been taken advantage by this company. I made sure that it was hand-written and that I hand delivered it and made the person sign a delivery receipt. In the letter I also referenced the Arizona statute governing dating contracts which also states a 3-day cancellation period. I cancelled the debit card they used so they could not use my number for any future payments. They sent me a refund before the 30 days was up. If you need proposed language for the letter, I can email it to you. The Arizona statutes governing dating contracts are: ARS 44-7151 through 44-7154. My email is if there is anything else I can do to help. My recommendation if there is no 3-day cancellation period in your state would be to contact your attorney general's office. I called them the next day and they refused to grant me a refund. I wrote them a letter of membership cancellation and request to reverse charges. I had it notorized and sent certified mail. I have received the certified delivery receipt yet. I've also opened a case the day after I signed up with my CC charge dispute dept. They just sent me forms to fill out yesterday. I've got a complaint in with the state Attorney General, Consumer Protection Agency, and Better Business Bureau. I ended up scheduling to take them to small claims court. In the beginning they acted like they were going to show up, but a few weeks before the court date their attorney called wanting to settle for the full amount. He stated that he did not want the issue to go to court. I still incurred costs fighting them, but I regard those as penalties for my stupidity. Talk to your municipal court about the small claims process. I am just looking for a way to not just help me but those that I pressured. I live with really alot of guilt because I worked for these people. I will ask my attorney what he needs or if it would be helpful. I know that the laws are different from state to state but I wouild imagine that information is information. Yesterday he told me if he could prove fraudulant practices regarding hiring he might be able to prove other fraudulant practices. I will not rest until they have been closed down. After it was complete, it informed me that a rep would get back to me in a few days.... She asked me a few questions over the phone about my MAN preferences and about my interests. She then informed me that they had an opening the next day for my Photo-shoot and to go into more detail about me for my impending profile. I was told to bring a picture ID and financial proof because they do backgroud checks to make sure people aren't married. She also informed me that they do criminal background checks on people because they certainly don't want any felons in the service. I informed her that I could not come in the following day, but could come in 3 days later. Yes, a RED flag went up at that point, but I still played the game with her. She then had her Manager get on the phone with me to verify me appointment and I also asked her how much it would cost. We have so many different packages to choose from!! I also went on this website and read about all the people who have been victims. I feel very sorry for all of you who have lost all of your money to this company. There should be a law against this. Especially when it is so hard earned. This company needs to stop preying on poor innocent people. I am 51 and am looking for love like the rest of you, but we don't have to stoop to this level and these companies need to know this. Research before you sign any contract. With all the available web-sites out there, it should not be too hard to do your own detective work. Good luck with finding your Mr. There are plenty of websites like this one that warn you about companies and products. Every time I begin to get sucked into an info-mercial, I turn on the computer, get online, and research. I honestly can't tell you why I did not research GE before my appointment. Maybe it was the woman who kept calling me and making it sound like no big deal. I do have to reiterate that I am fairly computer literate and fairly intelligent and I was not even prepared for the sales tactics. This company is in business to take your money and they are good at taking your money. I have shared my story to hopefully help others. I just thought that they wouldnt be in biz for 30 years if they were scamming folks. She said that if I were to buy a car I would have to pay for it after I returned it. Have you ever heard of the lemon law lady? I was told that the manager or sales lady would get back to me 8 days ago. I counted the active 35-45 ladies in my area and came up with 147. I also have an issue with them doubling my membership duratiion as a special offer. This scam must be taking in hundreds of thousands per month. Times that by thousands of victims. I want my money back and then some. Class action in Ca.? Onely Heart no more. I will never fall prey to such a sales pitch again. I feel a great relief but just know that I will help any of you that needs information on this scam of a business. I thought I was getting involved with a business that would help others to find true happiness. I gave up my job as a store manager to be a sales person. Are you a memeber or employee? Hope to hear from you soon. When I submitted the application, it said that a counselor would call me within a few days. I received a call today and the person mentioned that they were from Great Expectations. This to me is a deceitful practice. They wanted me to come in their W. Los Angeles office and come in just for a brief meeting. However, after reading all of the comments on this website, I will not be going anywhere near their office! I'm signed up with both GE and Match. Dates are easier to come by, but because of the smaller pool you're more likely to be disappointed. Great Expectations is just that: GREAT EXPECTATIONS. They guarantee you nothing. I've gotten about ten expressions of interest since I've joined, averaging about one per month, but many of these were so far removed from what I was looking for that it was a joke. The ones I dated, about four or five, were pleasant, but we just didn't click and there has not been a second date with any of them. The GE rep believes I have been very successful thus far!!! In other words, they are full of it! As for players--who the heck knows? I've had dates from Match. Still probably the worst financial decision I've ever made. For what they offer it is way overpriced. As for my experience with Match. The difference is that Match. Those who joined in the recent past are beneficiaries of thirty years' honing of a very manipulative message. And what do you actually get when you join? Mostly a bunch of women and men who were also taken in by the message--taken in to a point where they were willing to pay thousands for something that is available for a couple of hundred at sites like Match. Sometimes we don't like what we see in the mirror. Meanwhile, we all have something in common. Through this thread and others, maybe people will now be able to get a look behind the smoke and mirrors of the organization that is Great Expectations. My visit to GE they bragged about being promoted on Oprah and Dateline. I actually wrote Oprah the show, not the person , informed them of who GE really was and suggested they review if they really wanted to be associated with GE, or GE associating with Oprah. I informed them that GE uses the Oprah show logo on their website. I tried to find a way to write Dateline, but I couldnt' find an avenue to do so. I would certainly recommend everyone else do so also. The more people that voice, the more they will take it seriously. I just wanted to let people know that I am succesfully meeting a lot of singles and have involved myself in so many new groups and activities... Yes, you heard me... You have to pay your own way and all that, but there are no membership fees, no subscriptions, no nothing. My social calendar is so full, it is amazing. I have an online profile at that have more singles than any other paid site I have been on, and there is no cost. Also, if you go to you can look at all the meetup groups in your area and just show up to activities. Give it a try. I was thinking what if they got slammed with bogus contact forms containing real residentual address', real phone numbers, and everything else bogus? The phone number and address would not be associated other than the city, and the phone number would be of a business or other office BBB? GE would be using a lot of resources trying to scam people that don't exist. I was reading some tactics from ripoffreport. There wasn't anything like this, but I did read some stuff about faxing the facts about the business you have issues with to them. Ex: Valid complaints etc. What did I do? Called my CC company ASAP, opened a dispute and cancelled my card. Called Great Expectations and informed them I wanted to cancel and wanted charges reversed. Noted dates, times, locations, people, and contact info for the whole deal. Submitted letter of cancellation of membership to Great Expectations. I had it notorized and sent certified mail. Filed complaint forms with 3 divisions of the Texas attorney Generals office. The Federal Trade Commission. Dallas Better Business Bureau. Several local news investigation teams. I would inform who ever you thought might be interested. Noted bait-and-switch marketing tactics of Great Expectations in each complaint. Right now the charges have been reversed, but its not concrete yet. It's been 50 days and the charges have not returned. This is by no doing by Great Expectations. They are scum of the earth and aren't at all interested in coming to terms with people. This is the direct result of working with my credit card company and other local, state and federal public entities to put pressure on Great Expectations. Act fast, hit them hard. The more people that complain, the more they are put in the spot light. I was finally able to get GE in Dallas to refund my money. I had tried all sorts of things. My bank card reversed the charges, but GE went to Visa USA, and they charged me again. Visa USA does not post any contact information. I complained to every organization I could think of. Dallas BBB, Texas Attorney General, Federal Communications, FBI, and then some. Finally I had heard of someone in another state filing a small claim against GE. I checked in Texas. GE acted like they were going to show up in court, but the closer it got, they decided they wanted to settle. I only got back what they took from me, and had to sacrifice the other costs incurred while fighting them. I took that as my penalty fee for falling into their scheme. Contact your county municipal court and see what you need to do. You are exactly what these men are looking for! Don't know if I will win, probably not, but think it will be worth it. I called the next morning to cancel and they refused to reverse the charges. I then proceeded to cancel the CC I used and open a dispute with the bank. I also sent a dated, notarized letter by certified mail to Great Expectations in Dallas notifying them I was canceling the membership and wanted the charges reversed because I had not used there service. I made copies of the letter, all my dispute or case numbers and shared them with the bank dispute department, three departments of the Texas Attorney General, the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Affairs, the Dallas Better Business Bureau. I also wrote letters of my experience to several news investigative teams, and to Oprah the show to let them know they may not want Great Expectations using their name to promote themselves any longer. The bank reversed the charges and enough time has passed that I don't think that will change. If anyone in Texas or Oklahoma is fighting these filth in court or in a legal method, I'm offering my testimony to help. It will be a Great LOSS OF YOUR MONEY!!! I have had one date for coffee guess I should consider myself lucky. And another thing was that I was never given a contract. I've asked for one , but I haven't received one. I really felt pressurred into signing up. Now I learned the the Center in Chicago, ILL. I also ask the young lady that if I didn't want the internet access how do I look at the profiles. She told me that I would have to go out to Schaumburg Ill. That's just way to far for me to travel, and internet accesss is 19. Well as the old saying goes, Live and Learn. Gee was this an Expensive lesson. No girls have followed thru on supposed dates. Highly disapointed and they know it. They do not return calls and I am in a contract I cant get out of for 3 more years damn i feel stupid. Live and learn i guess. Someone please let me know if i can get out of it or what to do. I have been repeatedly asking to end my contract no dice. I am spending money be rejected. I know its my fault but there aought to be something we can do. No girls have followed thru on supposed dates. Highly disapointed and they know it. They do not return calls and I am in a contract I cant get out of for 3 more years damn i feel stupid. Live and learn i guess. Someone please let me know if i can get out of it or what to do. I have been repeatedly asking to end my contract no dice. I am spending money be rejected. I know its my fault but there aought to be something we can do. They are masters at manipulation and playing on people's emotions; I have done the photo and video session, with a woman who was barely 25 yrs old, and had lousy video interview skills. My photos came out very decent, because I am attractive to start with. A service which HAS NOT delivered what it promised. The men available in my age all 6 to 8 of em are nerdy and I am not surprised they have to pay for a dating service. Are there any men out there who actually look at their email everyday, and are motivated to meet someone? If I wanted a long-term relationship, I would not have paid for it Could have got it for free from the numerous free meetup sites. GE misrepresents their service. They showed me pictures of guys at my appt who probably aren't even in the service. Of course, when you walk into an appt, you are vulnerable to begin with, since you are lonely and have admitted to yourself that you want to do something about it. Then you believe that their screening process will yield other people who also want to meet up with QUALITY and Seriousness about meeting someone. There ain't nobody home. The LIghts are on but nobody is home. GE is one great hype machine, from the moment their presentation begins. I cannot deny that I too was easy fodder for them. Heck, being told what a great member I'd make, by an very attractive 20-something woman? I especially loved how they hit me with the first price. Were they nuts, I thought? Of course that was just the opening bid, but high enough so that I actually felt I had won a victory by bargaining them down to a still outlandish price. And then the photos! Why in the world did I buy that package? They push every button, but then the results come in--hey, what happened? They've got lawyers to protect them from their multitude of disappointed customers, and unfortunately the best we can do is write of our own experience. I've got one year left on a three-year contract and it's all gone in what, after the first month, has been a terribly predictable and depressing progression. Just wait, of course, because you never know when the right person will come along! THIS IS WHY I CANNOT GET MY MONEY BACK FROM DEVERIA BILLING SERVICES. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM GREAT EXPECTATIONS!!!!!!!! A cynical operation for sure, where the office I joined, in a major metropolitan area, simply shut down and now has its calls transferred to a sister office in a city more than five-hundred miles away. As one might expect, there have been no new members in those months since the closing. And a refund of at least some of the money we were snookered into spending? To anyone considering joining, two words from a supposedly dead language, entirely relevant to the situation: CAVEAT EMPTOR. Great Expectations is a way where people can sell their personality as well as their looks. And every single person knows out here that finding the right one is a hard thing to do these days. It doesn't matter if they stop at the grocery store or into a bar... Dating services are a wonderful why of meeting other single people. People should know by now that nothing is guaranteed in life. Anything abstract, hence the word abstract not a concrete object such as love is not definite. The only thing is that in order to be successful in anyway in life you have to search for it. What other way would you find the one and only? I once heard that the definition of insanity is to do that same thing over and over again trying to find a different result. People need to stop complaining about what they have done and find different ways of finding different results. Yes the price that you quoted in this article is crazy, but the people understand ahead of time or you would surely hope so that nobody can promise something like marriage, but they can only give them a way to find it. I met my wife within a year after signing up for their service thanks to me, not them. I visited and sent out 4-7 invites every week for several months. I didn't receive a single acceptance and only recieved one request several months after I signed up for the service. By then it was too late, I had already met the person that is my wife now. It was all a big waste of time and money for me. They didn't offer the online alternative at the time either so I had to drive out to the location and waste time looking at videos and make selections that never got me anywhere. I was attending a gym regularly at the time and was probably 7 out of 10 in looks. I say 25 years ago, as that is about the approx year that I tried them out myself. I could be wrong here, but I'm saying that the GE in Irvine, CA was one of the very first - if not THEE first - GE startup in CA or anywhere else for that matter. It was somewhere in the late 80's that I tried them out - I remember that much. How long they were there in Irvine, CA I have no clue, as I actually thought they went belly up bankrupt many years ago much to my surprise after just reading a few complaint articles doing a Google search. I believe I got one of their postal mailers is how I was first contacted. After checking them out in person one day all sorts of RED FLAGS went up at first - as they were very high pressure right from the start! I opt'd for the intro TRIAL version right from the very start - esp after hearing what they wanted for a FULL ON membership fee, as I wasn't buying into any of their HYPE sale pitches that's for sure!! It was like buying a new car where they jerk you around for hours on end until you make a bad decision and sign your life away on the bottom line. Not so with me - as I wasn't raised a fool like some people I know! Long and short of it was that I only stayed there a month at the very least, as some of the gals they had in their database I actually already knew - as some even worked for the same hospital that I once worked at, and knowing them like I did from work I could see why they were at GE looking for another guy another sucker as it were , as that was the type gals that they were. It was so obvious to me after just a few weeks. After all - my Dad didn't raise no fool to start with! If memory has me right GE tried to overbill my Visa card when I severed my Trial acct with them, and by working for the BBB like I did all I had to do was bring that to their attention and it was a DONE DEAL - as in goodbye GE for good. I actually auditioned for that TV dating show The Love Connection around the same time I dropped GE, and after seeing how phony baloney that show was set up and run I all but went back to finding dates at the local grocery stores where I had much better luck finding the type gal s that I wanted to bring home for dinner! In fact those bastards never called me back for a 2nd audition until some 10 years later when I was in a solid committed LTR and their TV show ratings were all but down the drain anyway at that point. I didn't even return their calls, as they were a complete joke at that point! Much like GE was after only a month there! Btw - best nights to late evening shop are Wednesday's and Friday's just so you know. Good luck out there, and be Internet savvy and don't get burnt by rip-off scams - GE or otherwise! JSYN - the best online dating site I found to date is Connecting Singles dot com, and NO I don't work for them either. I just found them doing a good Google search one day!